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Monday, November 15, 2010

You Are What You ... Hate?

A source of inspiration from the most unlikely source ...

Years ago, I was reading the newspaper - yes, before you could get all of your news on the internet - and I saw an interview somebody did with "Bobcat" Goldthwait, the really weird guy from the Police Academy movies. I know your impression of me just dropped a couple of notches, but it was a time in my life when stuff like that appealed to me!

Anyway, they quoted him in the article as saying, "You are what you hate."

Click Here to read the rest of this article...

All done? Good.

Now I'm going to go waaaayyyyy out on a limb and do the challenge for all the world (or at least all who read this) to see. Every day through Saturday, I'm going to post on this blog 2-5 traits that I find attractive about myself as well as my experiences with this project and I want you to do likewise in the comments section below.

Here are the apprehensions I foresee myself having:

1) That I will appear vein
2) That I won't see anything worth posting about
3) That the appearance of my "high self esteem" will crumble
4) That you might think it's easy for me because I don't have 50-100 lbs to lose

Now these thoughts are relatively irrational, but they are still thoughts that are going through my mind. Below, in the comments section, I want you to post your pledge to join me on this challenge along with your apprehensions.

Just think, that whole post was inspired by "Bobcat" Goldthwait. Who would have thought that such a weird guy could have taught me such a profound life lesson?


  1. WOW Doug that is deep and well written. I will do my best to see the good in myself and not dig at my insecurities. I will start by saying I love my eyes, they are a prety blue shade and only intensify when I where mascara. Is that a good start?

  2. Awesome job Nicole. I'm proud of you for being the first to throw your hat in the ring!

  3. Wow, Doug. You are a brave brave man. Okay. I will try this. I think I have good collar bones. (You may laugh, but in the right outfit...)

  4. I forgot to say that I think this is an incredibly profound realization.

  5. NIce article, Doug! So very true! I have been working on that very thing and am happy that other people will be doing it too!

    I am thrilled to have made it down to a size 2 and am proud of myself for getting there, that makes me smile every morning and motivates me to keep it up.

    Keepin' it half full!!!
    Alyson Craig

  6. Awesome comments, ladies! Keep 'em coming. By the way, it has come to my attention that I misspelled vain as vein. My apologies. It seems that my anatomy vocabulary takes over sometimes!

  7. Wow! Doug - you really are worth every penny that Core pays you!! Great article, great challenge (regardless of your muse - lol!). It's something we all do waaaay too much! Nicole, you do have gorgeous blue eyes. Alyson - Rock on!! Congrats on your wee size achievement. As for me, I thank God for my eyes as well. I've been told (and believe) that I have beautiful eyes.

