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Monday, November 29, 2010

Another story to combat quitting ...

One night, two frogs left the safety of their swamp and ventured into a nearby farm to explore.  They soon found themselves in a dairy.  Hopping and jumping around (frogs will be frogs, after all), they jumped into a milk pail half full of cream.

At first, they were both thrilled.  They had never tasted anything so delicious!  They drank and drank.  Soon (after some contended frog belches followed by much giggling) they were both full-bellied and getting just a bit sleepy.  “Time to get out of here and head back to the swamp for some shut-eye,” burped the first frog.

But there was a problem.  They’d had no trouble hopping in … but how to hop out?  The inside of the pail was too slippery to climb, and there was nothing on which they could place their feet for traction to get up a good hopping distance … or any hopping distance at all.

The awful reality dawned on them: they were trapped.

Frantic, they began to thrash about, their little frog feet scrabbling for a foothold on the elusive, slippery curve of the pail’s edge.

Finally, the second frog cried out, “It’s no use!  We’re doomed, my brother!  Let us save what dignity we have left and die here like frogs, with our eyes facing our homeland!”

The first frog cried out to stop him.  “No!  We should never give up!  When we were tadpoles, which of us would ever have dreamed that some day we would emerge from the water and hop about on land?  Swim on, and pray for a miracle!”

The second frog eyed his brother sadly and said, “There are no miracles in the life of a frog, brother.  Farewell.”  And so saying, he turned his face in the direction of the swamp, gave a sigh, and slowly sank out of sight.

But the first frog refused to give up.

He continued to swim.  He swam and swam in ridiculous, pointless, useless, futile circles, hoping against hope for a miracle.  Fired by adrenaline, he paddled mightily … yet his brother’s dying words clutched at his thoughts, even more insidious than the growing fatigue that tugged at his weakening muscles.  Was my brother right? He thought desperately.  Am I a fool?  Are there no miracles in the life of a frog? 

Finally, he could swim no more … and with a great cry of anguish, he stopped paddling and let go, ready to face his fate like a frog.

But something odd then happened … or rather, didn’t happen.  He didn’t sink.  He just sat exactly where he was.  Ever so tentatively, he stretched out a foot … and felt it touch something solid.

He heaved a big sigh, both sad and grateful, said a silent farewell to his drowned brother, then scrambled up on top of the big lump of butter he had just finished churning …

… and hopped out of the pail and off to the swamp, alone but alive.

-Author Unknown

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day!!!!

Turkey Day!!!!  Happy Thanksgiving to our US friends -- and everybody else, happy November 25th!  Well, hopefully you've worked hard enough these past couple of months to indulge a little without feeling guilty.  There's nothing wrong with letting loose on special occasions, as long as 355 of the 365 days in a year aren't considered "special!"  There's nothing wrong with going a little overboard two or three days out of the year.  For a lot of people, those days are Christmas, Thanksgiving, and their birthday.  In my case, my birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year, so I only get two days to go nuts!

Enjoy your day and feel free to post a comment telling everybody what you are thankful for!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bring It!!!!

Have you ever done a workout where, when you finished, you felt like you gave a less-than-stellar performance? Hey, we've all been there. So, have you wasted an hour? Should you go beat yourself up about it? Should you give up and go eat a cheese cake? No to all three!

Here's my "Dagwood" method of fitness success.

What are the chances they will make it?

The International Union of Closet Dwellers recently held a huge meeting where they discussed their biggest (and only) issue.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Weight Loss?

With the holidays approaching quickly, it is pretty commonplace for our weight loss efforts to take a back seat. With heightened stress levels and temptations at every turn, it's no wonder why we statistically gain between five and nine pounds over the typical holiday season.

Never fear ... you can beat that statistic. With a little bit of preparation and dedication, you can be toasting 2011 without needing to make a resolution to lose weight.

Follow my plan and you'll already be on your way to a slimmer new year.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day Five of the Self Esteem Project

Last night was the final day of the project.  I did a repeat of the previous night.  I took an inventory of the features and attributes that I like about myself.  Spoke to my reflection and capped it off by saying "I love you" and holding eye contact.  I actually do feel better about myself.  It's pretty cool.  I like myself a little bit more.  I've determined that I'm the kind of person I want to hang out with.  That's good, considering I'm always with myself!  So, now it's your turn.  A few people chimed in on the post where I announced my challenge, but nobody has kept up with it.  So I'm reissuing the challenge:  Spend some quality time with your reflection each day for a week.  Identify some features that you like about yourself.  Reinforce the goodness and attractiveness that you possess.  You might just discover that you actually like yourself!

Until next time, my dear readers ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day Four of the Self Esteem Project

So, last night I was looking in the mirror, and I drew a blank.  I couldn't seem to find any new qualities to tell you guys about.  It was really kind of bugging me.  I would have nothing to blog about, then I would be exposed as a fraud, and I'd be kicked out of the personal trainer's union.  Okay, there's no union, but the thought really did bother me that I couldn't come up with a single trait to blog about. 

Then it occurred to me.  Why am I stressing out over something that's supposed to be a positive experience.  I don't have to have a thousand great qualities.  A few will suffice just fine.  So the next time you're failing to see new good qualities, just go back and take inventory of your old ones.  There's no expiration date on good qualities (maybe that's up for debate, but it's a cool way to close the blog post!)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day Three of the Self Esteem Project

So, last night I was staring at myself in the mirror, as is quickly becoming customary (not really, it's still pretty uncomfortable).  I was telling my reflection that I was proud of myself for doing this challenge.  Then, a sudden panic came over me as I recalled a memory from a Jack Canfield book.  He described a very similar task as what I'm doing and asking you all to join in on.  The one big difference is that he ended his mirror session by saying "I love you" to himself.  It's weird enough to say it to someone else (yeah, I have issues), but to tell myself was just downright embarrassing!  But I rationalized that I needed to put myself outside of my comfort zone for the entire week, and this would be a great way to step up my proverbial game.  So, I said it.  It was even stranger than I had anticipated.  I couldn't even hold eye contact with myself.  It was an interesting experience all around.  I think tonight, I'll try to say it and maintain eye contact.

By the way, my cheekbones are kind of cool and I have an amazing nose!  It's really kind of cool because it's kind of angular except the very end, where it gets round!  I guess I'm also appreciative that my ears don't stick out any further than they do.  I know that's kind of a back-handed compliment, but I just came to the realization that, sure they stick out, but I've seen a lot worse (Not that there's anything wrong with that!  That's just the reaction I had last night.).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day Two of the Self-Esteem Project

So last night's mirror experience was all about the hair line, which has been a great source of insecurity for me since I was about 12 (that's when the hairline started retreating).  I've always kind of looked at it as something I hated, but as I was looking at it last night, I kind of started to see that it gives me some character.  I looked back at some old pictures to "compare the hair."  I think I still would prefer my old hairline, but I took a definite step in the right direction last night.

Next issue:  I started talking to myself last night -- in a healthy way.  I made sure my wife wouldn't hear me.  (I'm not quite ready to tell her what I'm doing, but I probably will after all is said and done.  I don't need the pressure of her listening in!)  I started telling myself some of the things I'm proud of about me.  I talked about my Master's degree, my family, my job, and how I influence lives (That last one was tough for me to put on the post.  There may just be someone reading this who doesn't think I influence lives, but I think I do!)

So there's the breakdown.  I hope you are getting some inspiration out of this.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day One of the Self-Esteem Project

Okay, so if you read the last post, you know what this is all about. If you haven't seen it yet, you can read all about it here:

So last night (Monday), I gave myself a good look-over, and here's what I found:

1) I really like my eyes. I know that's kind of an easy one, but I really do like them. The color, the shape, the spacing. The more I looked at them, the more I liked what I saw.

2) The little divot (called a cleft) in my chin is kind of charming. Given the choice, I think I'll keep it!

3) The overall structure of my face is pretty nice. Things seem to be in the right place, the general shape is good, and nothing seems too out of proportion.

Of course, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't notice anything negative, but I'm not going to dwell on that at the moment, so you don't get to know what I found that I didn't like!

I felt a little weird doing the exercise, but overall, I think it was pretty positive. Tonight, I'm going to actually try talking to my reflection and tell it things that I like about myself.

(Note - make sure that anyone living with you knows what you're doing if you want to avoid the awkward stares from your family!)

More tomorrow!

Monday, November 15, 2010

You Are What You ... Hate?

A source of inspiration from the most unlikely source ...

Years ago, I was reading the newspaper - yes, before you could get all of your news on the internet - and I saw an interview somebody did with "Bobcat" Goldthwait, the really weird guy from the Police Academy movies. I know your impression of me just dropped a couple of notches, but it was a time in my life when stuff like that appealed to me!

Anyway, they quoted him in the article as saying, "You are what you hate."

Click Here to read the rest of this article...

All done? Good.

Now I'm going to go waaaayyyyy out on a limb and do the challenge for all the world (or at least all who read this) to see. Every day through Saturday, I'm going to post on this blog 2-5 traits that I find attractive about myself as well as my experiences with this project and I want you to do likewise in the comments section below.

Here are the apprehensions I foresee myself having:

1) That I will appear vein
2) That I won't see anything worth posting about
3) That the appearance of my "high self esteem" will crumble
4) That you might think it's easy for me because I don't have 50-100 lbs to lose

Now these thoughts are relatively irrational, but they are still thoughts that are going through my mind. Below, in the comments section, I want you to post your pledge to join me on this challenge along with your apprehensions.

Just think, that whole post was inspired by "Bobcat" Goldthwait. Who would have thought that such a weird guy could have taught me such a profound life lesson?